The Power of a System

2 min readJul 7, 2022

Is your organization too “loosey goosey”? You know what we mean. There are communication problems. Things feel out of whack. Unpredictable. Reactive. Disorganized. Employee morale could use a (big!) boost. So could customers-and revenue. And your teams, as well as management and even you-all feel like you’re operating in silos. Walls are up. Transparency is down.

Every symptom is a red flag signaling the need for change. And not just any change, but transformation that instills discipline, methodology and accountability into your company and its cultural DNA. What can you do?

Commit to a proven, organization-wide accountability system. It’s the surest way to bust out of the siloed approach as it gets every team member on the same page and aligned around their goals and controls. Importantly, the right accountability system -one that consistently delivers positive and even breakthrough results-is reliable. And that reliability is key because when it comes to setting and achieving goals, hope is not a strategy…or at least not one you can count on and really trust. A proven accountability system, however, is dependable, even in the toughest times and when unforeseen challenges arise.

Measure your system with metrics. The system you choose must tap the power of putting performance measurements in place and monitoring those numbers. At MAP, we call these measures Vital Factors, the key indicators of a team’s performance. We implement Vital Factor meetings with clients to create that needed accountability system, plus gain insight into what’s working, what’s not, who needs coaching and, ultimately, who is engaged and not engaged.

Power your system with recognition-and the right people. As you implement and execute around your accountability system, the information you get and the transparency created will reveal workforce engagement levels and whether your people are in the right jobs. Getting those right people on the bus, in the right seats, is key. But equally important is fueling engagement and performance. At MAP, we believe that’s done primarily through recognition, in particular, focusing on people’s achievements, motivating them to want to succeed, and helping them experience the value of your accountability system. One final, hot tip: When it comes to recognition, specificity is gold! Reference details of the success versus blanket statements like, “Your team did a great job,” to demonstrate the worth in achievements and inspire more success going forward.

Get the right accountability system today. Contact MAP to learn how the MAP Management System™ consistently delivers breakthrough results.

Originally published at on July 7, 2022.




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